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Loquat-Picking Trip

Release time:2015-06-01 | Views:1864

Since the Tang dynasty, The Tang-xi loquat has become the tribute to theroyals, and Tang-xi is also being known as The Land of Loquat in Zhejiang.Meanwhile, May is happen to be the loquat harvest season, so company decided toorganize a fruit-picking trip in Tang-xi at weekend which could let us enjoythe most fresh laquat at very first.

Dozens of vendors are selling the fresh loquatsin front of the garden entry, but we can imagine, before the loquat harvest, itwas just a peaceful and beautiful fruit garden.

The wind bringthe fresh flower smell in the air, we enter into the garden following thecrowds, then we saw thousands of tree with yellow loquat in.We were being told this fruit garden has nearly 1000 Mu. No wonder itseems there is no end.

Loquats,loquats, its everywhere.

People who can’twait to picking, Some with tools, some climb on the trees.

The kids arehaving fun.

Tang-xi isalso a unique ancient town with many special historic buildings.

Kids favorite- Sugar Figurine. It was also our favorite while we were young, but it hasdisappeared in our city.

Tang-xi is nota big town, but its a unique one with rivers, bridges and oldbuildings. What a nice Saturday to have here.

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